Stickle Boxes

Beth and I just got back from our trip to the Bennington Museum in Vermont.  We made the short trip to view the Jane Stickle Quilt.  The simplicity of her blocks (not really so simple) and the calm beauty of the light background quilting has inspired me to create a body of work using her blocks.

I'm already making a 4" box and so it seems like a good size to move ahead with.  My first four are blocks  pictured below. The first from left to right uses a wood called quilted Makore (mak-or-ay) and the light background wood is figured Eucalyptus.  The second is a greenish wood called Imbuya with the same background wood.  The third is Mahogany with curly Maple as the background and the last is figured Cherry with a background of white birch.
Next year is the 150th anniversary of this amazing work of art and I hope to have a very fully stocked web store with, if not all the blocks in quantities a great majority of them.


  1. Oh gosh they are all beautiful, I especially love the light wood on that first one. It has a special texture to it. Beautiful!!

  2. That's called "bee's wing" Eucalyptus. It's got a great shimmer to it.
